Webcomics Weekly brings together four well known cartoonists to share their insights into drawing for a living. From everyday interests like coffee and McDonalds to expounding on past illustrators in the field, they bring humor and sophistication to the growing world of comics online. I first discovered Pvponline by Scott Kurtz as I was searching for content to inspire Dragin.

After following Pvponline for a couple years I began to see how multiple creators could collaborate together. Through guest strips and cross overs, different artists working together to boost and nurture each other. I began to understand more how helping each other succeed can boost one’s own talents. I mentioned two cartoonists Scott Kurtz led me to discovering in the last blog entry.
Kris Straub
The fourth artist yet to be mentioned is Kris Straub. I’m most familiar with Kris’s work on Starslip Crisis, which I discovered following Scott Kurtz’s Pvponline. Kris has expanded into other projects over the years and has also created Checkerboard Nightmare and Broodhollow.
Influence in the growing world of webcomics
These four cartoonists would share their exploits each week in the growing world of webcomics. From building an audience to writing out a contract, even after parties at conventions, they have helped me immensely along the way. The roundtable format of the podcasts remind me of the cartoonist group I used to meet at a local pizzeria. Each month we would share our latest work and talk about everything from tv and movies to vintage art and vinyl records. Webcomics Weekly came along at a time I was seeking direction in my art and life in general. The longer I blog about these past influences the more I realize how many people have lifted me up and helped me along the way. Dragin is growing every day and it’s all thanks to the advice and support I’ve received over the years. Whether through podcasts, conventions or web content I’ve grown leaps and bounds thanks to those who have paved the stones along the way.