What is Dragin all about?

What is Dragin all about?  The comic’s a collection of life experiences and ideas I want to share with the world.  I tried a few ideas before landing on Dragin.  Work related tragedies was the name of one.  A comic focused on working in hospitality. I’ve developed many stories and jokes over the years working in tourism.  Some of them even worth sharing.  Another idea was called The Blue Dragon.  That was the name of a tavern in a fantasy realm where adventurers would gather to share their tall tales.  Imagine Legends of the Guard, a collection of stories told in the world of David Petersen’s Mouseguard series.  Heavy into video games and role playing was my idea.  I finally settled on Dragin.  A boy and two bumbling fantasy creatures who gave us a gateway into any direction we want to go.  Aptly called Dragin to play off the term “dragging” because it took so long to settle on a direction to go with cartooning.  Eventually I found my niche.  I quickly took the jokes from past comic ideas and put the Dragin spin on them.

Andrew George and Sophie
Party crashers

Nothing wasted

Nothing wasted from the ideas of the past.  Every joke, every punchline I care about, along with many influences I want to share, can still be crafted anew.  I’m able to use this formula as a sandbox with total freedom and creativity.  Over the years that remains constant while slowly reflecting growth in my life.  From marriage to travel, new pets and changes in employment.  These always shape and encourage the comics and jokes as life moves forward.  Something will happen in the day to day or a conversation will occur and I’ll go, “that’s a comic!”  I look back on all the past ideas and attempts.  I don’t have to start again or scrap anything.  Everything is a stepping stone and a building block for what comes next.  The old comics survive through Dragin!

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