Best In Show

Best In Show is a comic from my friend and mentor Phil Juliano.  Before Calvin and Hobbes had a complete collection I used to go to local bookstores.  There I would pick up the smaller books.  On one of these trips I met another local artist, Phil Juliano, creator of Best in Show.  He noticed my purchase and, being a cartoonist himself told me of his shared interests and talents.  I introduced him to the cartoonist group I was part of.  From there we began collaborating and working on our comics together at local coffee shops.

Pushing forward

Now I had someone I could bounce ideas off of, someone set on the same path as me.  I owe a lot to Phil for encouraging me through the years.  There have been some pretty lengthy lulls in Dragin’s development.  But I always come back with renewed passion and interest each time I begin again.  I would think to myself, “Oh, yeah! This is what I’m supposed to be doing.”

On the road

Using his experience with Best In Show, Phil introduced me to local comic book conventions.  Then we were able to set up booths to sell our work.  I wouldn’t have had the confidence to do this on my own.  Phil helped make that a reality.  I never made much with the products I sold but the experience each time pushed us both forward to revise and improve our work.  In the few years we traveled I feel Dragin experienced the most growth and refinement.  I believe there are a handful of impactful people you meet in life.  No matter how much time may pass it’s vital to keep those connections and friendships alive.


Even though Phil eventually moved away to start a family I still keep in touch, both of us planning to hit the road again.  I can never say thanks enough.  That’s why I want to take the opportunity here to say thank you for everything you taught me, Phil!  All our experiences will forever have a lasting impact on Dragin and me.  This sums up in the last two blog entries how important and impactful a mentor can be in one’s life.  When any of you happen to find one in your travels hold on to those relationships as much as you can.  They will shape who you are as you move forward.



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