Back again with Dragin

The story so far

It’s good to be back on the WordPress dashboard. George is a dragon. Dragin is a human. Confused? We all are and Andrew (a troll) isn’t helping matters. How did these three meet? Some say it was by chance on a trip overseas. Others speculate it was foretold through the ages. But that is a story for another time. In any case, they’re back again! While their crazy antics in this mediocre modern world are sure to amuse and entertain, I hope you find so much more from the website in the WordPress dashboard than just the humor. Having said that, it feels good to be plugging away once again through sheer 10% perspiration and 90% procrastination. I’m glad to be sharing Dragin’s growth and experiences throughout his absence from the web. I may try to weave a story thread or two into the gang’s nonsensical journey and dip my toes into a larger narrative over time.

The purpose

In the meantime I’d like to use this platform to share whatever inspires and excites humor in my daily life, however inconsistent and sporadic it may become. Speaking of being inspired, the website on the WordPress dashboard has mainly returned because of the financial journey and minimalist movement I’ve been on in the last couple years. I’ve made huge strides in taking back my life one task at a time. I’m planning to use this platform to not just share the laughter but to also share the influences I’ve discovered along the way. Half of this first blog was actually redone months after launching when I determined what I want to share with it.


Communication and transparency is also very important to me. I want to hear from you! I need continued conversations and feedback on the WordPress dashboard in order to move forward with Dragin. Planning to use different platforms and websites to help reach as many people as possible. Looking forward to continuing on this lifelong journey with each of you and excited to see where Dragin, George, Andrew and the growing cast go in the future. Here we go!

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