
Michael Cole grew up in Raleigh, where he studied graphic design at a community college after pursuing visual art and art history through high school. He then moved to Asheville in 2000 and continued an interest in cartooning and it’s growing exposure on the internet. Michael always wanted to pursue cartooning and Dragin was conceived in 2008 after a childhood of Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts and other newspaper comics. Michael went on to become a member of the southeast chapter of the National Cartoonist Society where he changed, improved, launched and then relaunched Dragin. This was the result of the inspiration and mentoring of many talented cartoonists and artists living in the south as well as the explosion of web comics on the internet. Michael still lives in Asheville where the life and beauty of the mountains continues to grow and inspire Dragin.

George – George is one of few dragins that have resurfaced in a few hundred years. Seemingly the runt of his peers George is content hanging out with Dragin and Andrew playing video games and bar hopping. Exploring who he is and existential crises can wait for another time. As far as George knows, he’s got a few millennia to figure it out. If he wants to.

Dragin – Dragin’s living his best life! Sharing quarters with his two best buds George and Andrew, they stumble through life getting into all sorts of mischief. That is, when Dragin isn’t working his day job as a food vendor at a local tourist trap or sipping lattes at Mermaid Coffee.

Andrew – If any conflict shows up you can bet Andrew had something to do with it. Being a troll comes with a longing for chaos. If Dragin and George are reason and logic you can bet Andrew will balance the group with his own chaotic energy. Herbal tea and incense sticks are always in reach to soothe the wildness that is Andrew.

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